Expressing Your Purpose
With Judy Keating
Expressing Your Purpose™
with Judy Keating
What is your relationship to Creativity?

What if you could co-create with your soul’s blueprint and have
more ease, flow, and right timing in your life?
Most people do not have access to aligned energy, focus and ease. What if there was a simple protocol that when engaged, will make resistance to flow drop away? Expressing your Purpose ™ is an experiential class that will allow you to be in co-creation with your Soul Blueprint and Earth. The joy that comes when we can take action and accomplish what we desire is fuel to keep going. In these times when we all want to contribute from a higher vibration place, Expressing Your Purpose™ is a tool aligned with your crystalline energy system, which relaxes your electromagnetic system, resulting in relaxed forward motion on whatever you are accomplishing from the laundry to creating anything or just getting more done with less effort. Every person is a creative being. When we try to make something happen and we get derailed, our energy is not focused properly. This happens often without us being consciously aware of it. By partnering with your soul’s blueprint and Earth you easily access what is the right way for you.
Every action in life is creative. If you feel you push hard at getting things done and still do not achieve what you desire, this easy to use set up of your energy can result in flow and that great check done feeling as it brings in a protective field so you use your attention for right action instead of pushing against everything that is energetically interfering with your intended results.

Crystalline Consciousness Technique ( (CCT) is tailored for this class so you can align with your life purpose and Earth as creative partners in everything from a difficult meeting to creating something brand new.
Many empaths or energetically sensitive people have a difficult time hearing their own creativity as they can get enmeshed in others energy.
This protocol can help artists writers and painters access a clean connection to their creativity. And is a tremendous support for those with attention deficit or sensitivity challenges
Benefits of Expressing Your Purpose ™
- Clears any negative blocks to Creativity
- Aligns you with your Life Soul blueprint
- Right coherence between Earth and Your Energy body
- Allows YOUR creative voice to be heard and followed without outside interference
- Brings reverence to your Creative process
- Utilizes Sacred Geometry to calibrate Creative Energies right for you
- Gives you a simple protocol that brings ease and flow to your creative expression in the world
This four-module class gives you a creative exercise, activation and meditations that introduce Creativity into your energy system in a way that each person’s unique creativity can be heard, expressed and realized.
Even though the class is recorded; you must attend live to receive the energy sessions that will not be recorded. All classes are delivered via zoom and include a sacred geometry healing deck and an Expressing your Purpose ™ manual.

Schedule – (All Times Eastern)
January 24-25,2025
January 24
Module 1 3pm-4:30pm EST
Module 2 6pm-7:30 PM EST
January 25, 2025
Module 3 3pm-4:30 pm
Module 4 Individual coaching follow up to assure you are using the protocol to your best advantage.
Crystalline Consciousness Technique was sourced by Gia Combs-Ramirez (
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